Clearing & Grubbing

Before a construction project can begin, it is vital for the site to be adequately prepared, and this includes clearing and grubbing of existing vegetation. Clearing and grubbing typically includes the removal of stumps, trees, limbs, logs, brush, shrubs, and more from the area to prepare the site for new construction. However, this process may also include protecting and preserving local plant life surrounding the project from injury or damage. Getting the job done thoroughly and correctly is vital for the success of the construction process.

Herbert Anderson Jr. Construction, Inc. has been assisting business owners in South Carolina with their construction clearing and grubbing needs since 1968. With over 50 years of experience, our expert team is equipped to handle all clearing and grubbing to make sure that your project has the foundation it needs for success.

Our clearing and grubbing services utilize a variety of techniques and equipment, depending on the size and location of the land and the purpose for the future project. Our methods include:

  • Cut and grind: this method begins by cutting down the trees around the land, leaving stumps in place. The remaining stumps are then pulled out of the ground using heavy machinery.
  • Pushover: utilizing a variety of industrial equipment, trees and stumps are pushed over with roots intact and hauled from the job site.
  • A controlled burn method may also be used to remove any remaining limbs, brush or shrubbery from the property.

Whether your project involves one acre of land or 100 acres, we have the right combination of cutting-edge technology and highly experienced personnel to get the job done to your specifications.

Contact us today for a free estimate or to learn more about how we can help you with clearing and grubbing during preliminary project preparation or any other construction needs.

I have worked with Anderson Construction for fifteen years. The competencies that they bring to bear from planning, costing, permitting, through construction and final inspection have allowed me the development of multiple residential communities on very tight timelines, always adherent to budgets.

Robert Deering